Aeropuerto Internacional de Palm Beach

Playa West Palm, Florida

(16 de febrero de 2025)

4:00 PM EST

     EL PRESIDENTE: Daytona fue fantástico. La multitud fue increíble. A la gente le encanta ese deporte y son personas maravillosas las que corren. Y hubo un pequeño retraso por lluvia, pero supongo que nos iremos a casa y lo veremos, o algunos de ustedes lo harán. Y otros intentarán crear paz en todo el mundo.

     ¿Tienen alguna pregunta, por favor?

     P Señor, ¿habló con el Secretario Rubio esta mañana?


     P ¿Cuáles son las últimas novedades en las negociaciones en Arabia Saudita? ¿Qué está haciendo?

     EL PRESIDENTE: Estamos avanzando. Estamos tratando de lograr la paz con Rusia y Ucrania, y estamos trabajando muy duro en ello. Es una guerra que nunca debería haber comenzado.

     P ¿Espera que Zelenskyy participe en estas conversaciones? ¿Cuál será su papel?

     EL PRESIDENTE: Sí, lo espero. Participará, sí.

     P Señor Presidente, ¿permitiría que los europeos compren armas fabricadas en Estados Unidos para los ucranianos?

     EL PRESIDENTE: Sí, lo haría.

     P: Señor, Zelenskyy dijo hoy que Rusia va a declarar la guerra a la OTAN. ¿Está de acuerdo con eso? ¿Tiene alguna preocupación sobre...

     EL PRESIDENTE: No, no estoy de acuerdo. No estoy de acuerdo con eso. Ni siquiera un poco.

     Q    Vice President Vance said that the United States would potentially take military action against Russia if they won’t come to an agreement.  Do you agree with that stance?

     THE PRESIDENT:  I don’t know if that’s what he said.  I don’t think he said that.

     Q    Sir, based on your conversations — based on your conversations with President Putin, what do you think he wants, ultimately, in Ukraine?

     THE PRESIDENT:  I think he wants to stop fighting.  I see that.  We spoke long and hard.  Steve Witkoff was with him for a very extended period, like about three hours.  I think he wants to stop fighting.

     They have a big, powerful machine.  You understand that.  And they defeated Hitler, and they defeated Napoleon.  You know, they’ve been fighting a long time.  They’ve done it before and — but I think he would like to stop fighting.

     Q    Do you think he wants the whole of Ukraine, or just a pa- — like, what do you think he wants in terms territory?

     THE PRESIDENT:  No, I think he wants to stop.  That was my question to him.  Because if he’s going to go on, that would have been a big problem for us, and that would have caused me a big problem, because you just can’t let that happen. 

     I think he wants to end it, and they want to end it fast — both of them.  And Zelenskyy wants to end it too.

     Q    Sir, when do you think that could actually happen?  When do you think the fighting can stop?

     THE PRESIDENT:  Well, we’re working to get it done.  I mean, you know, it’s too bad it started.  It would have been a lot easier to end it before it started.  Right?  But it started because we had an incompetent president that — he didn’t know what he was doing.  That should have never started.

     That war was so easy to stop.  Remember this: that under Bush, they took a lot.  Under Obama, they took a lot.  Under Biden, they’re trying to take the whole thing.  And under Trump, they took nothing — nothing.  Nothing was gone, not even a little bit.  So, it’s too bad.  It’s really too bad. 

     A lot of people are dead right now that should be alive, and a lot of cities are destroyed that can never come back like they were.  Those beautiful golden domes and all of the multi-colored domes that were 1,000 years old, they’re all laying in — you know, just shattered.  So, it’s very sad.  They ruined a culture.

     Q    They’re beginning phase two — they’re beginning phase two of the ceasefire deal —

     THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah.

     Q    — between Israel and Hama- — Hamas.  What is — what’s going on there?  Have you been briefed on the latest relating to that?

     THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I told you — I have been briefed.  I told Bibi, “You do whatever you want.”  Because, you know, my statement was, “They got to come back now.”  The reason I made that statement: because they said they weren’t going to deliver — they were not going to deliver the people that they said they were going to deliver, that they agreed to deliver.  And they did agree to do that, but they broke that agreement.  When I made the statement, they delivered everybody, plus an American.

     Now, the good news is, they look like they’re in pretty good shape, because the people from the week before didn’t look like they were in good shape.  They looked like Holocaust survivors, frankly — horrible.  Whatever happened to them was horrible.
     But that will be up to Israel what the next step is, in consultation with me.

     Q    Sir, what would the — what are they supposed to use these weapons for that you’ve now allowed to be shipped?  Given the fact that there’s a ceasefire supposed to be in effect, why ship those big bombs now?

     THE PRESIDENT:  Peace through strength.  You understand that, right?  It’s called peace through strength.  You know, they contracted for those weapons a long time ago, in the Biden administration, and then Biden wouldn’t deliver the weapons.

     But I look at it differently.  I say “peace through strength.”  They were sitting there.  Nobody knew what to do with them.  They bought them.  But I believe in that very strongly.

     Q    On the EU —

     Q    Sir, do you have an update on your —

     Q    Sir, on the EU.  The — the European Union is talking about banning food imports from the U.S., kind of along the lines of your reciprocal tariffs.

     THE PRESIDENT:  Why is that?  Why?

     Q    They says it’s like the reciprocal tariffs.  They don’t like the (inaudible) —

     THE PRESIDENT:  That’s all right.  I don’t mind.  Let them do it.  Let them do it.  They’re just hurting themselves if they do that.  I can’t imagine it, but doesn’t matter.

     We’re having reciprocal tariffs.  Whatever they charge, we charge.  Very simple.

     If a certain country, like India, which is very high tariff — if they charge us X dollars, we charge them X dollars.  It’s all right.  It’s a fair — it’s a fair thing to do.  Even the media said it was fair.  And it’s going to be very good for the United States.

     Q    Do you have an update on your timing of your meeting with Putin in Saudi Arabia?

     EL PRESIDENTE: No, no hay una fecha fijada, pero podría ser muy pronto.

     P Como este mes o...

     EL PRESIDENTE: Bueno, será pronto. Veremos qué pasa. Pero se están reuniendo ahora mismo, y eso es más... quiero decir, esto debería haberse hecho hace cuatro años... hace tres años, antes de que comenzara. Pero debería haberse hecho inmediatamente después de que comenzara, a diferencia de ahora, tres años después.

     P Señor, los precios de los huevos han alcanzado un máximo histórico. ¿Cuál es su administra...

     EL PRESIDENTE: ¿Cuál es? ¿Qué?

     P Los precios de los huevos han alcanzado un máximo histórico.

     EL PRESIDENTE: Bueno, está la gripe. Y fue mucho... antes de que yo llegara aquí, estaba en un máximo histórico... esto no... recuerde, he estado aquí durante tres semanas. Y cuando vio las cifras de inflación, he estado aquí durante tres semanas. No he tenido nada que ver con la inflación. Esto fue causado por Biden.
     Tuve cuatro años de prácticamente ninguna inflación. Bueno, simplemente voy a tomar la palabra.

     Pero les diré algo: este país ha logrado más progreso en las últimas tres semanas que en los últimos cuatro años, y volvemos a ser respetados como país.

     Muchas gracias. Gracias.

                              FIN 4:07 PM EST

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