política de privacidad

La Casa Blanca se compromete a proteger la privacidad individual y a asegurar la información personal que se nos proporciona cuando usted visita WhiteHouse.gov o visita páginas de la Casa Blanca alojadas en otros sitios (como nuestros perfiles oficiales en redes sociales). Esta Política de Privacidad describe qué información se pone a disposición de la Casa Blanca y cómo se utiliza y conserva dicha información, y proporciona información sobre:

  • Información que recibimos (cuando usted la proporciona, visita WhiteHouse.gov, recibe actualizaciones por correo electrónico o interactúa con presencias oficiales de la Casa Blanca en sitios de terceros)
  • Cómo se utiliza esta información
  • Compartir esta información
  • Retención de datos
  • Herramientas y sitios de terceros
  • Los niños y la privacidad
  • Seguridad

Si tiene preguntas sobre esta política o sugerencias para mejorarla, háganoslo saber en WhiteHouse.gov/Contact/.

Información recibida y retenida por las plataformas en línea de la Casa Blanca

Información que usted nos proporciona

No es necesario que proporcione a la Casa Blanca información personal ni cree una cuenta de usuario para acceder a la información de WhiteHouse.gov. Sin embargo, para algunos servicios, podríamos necesitar información personal suya, como su nombre, dirección, número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y otra información de contacto o de identificación personal, ya sea suya o de otras personas, que usted decida proporcionarnos o que nos autorice a recopilar. Por ejemplo:

  • El formulario “Contáctenos con la Casa Blanca” solicita información básica de contacto para que podamos responder a su solicitud;
  • Cuando pedimos a los usuarios que compartan su historia o cómo una decisión política los afectará, generalmente pedimos su nombre, código postal y dirección de correo electrónico;
  • Es posible que solicitemos información personal a personas que soliciten, se registren o participen en un evento o concurso de la Casa Blanca.
  • Solicitaremos información personal de las personas que soliciten empleo o pasantías a través de WhiteHouse.gov.

Visitas a WhiteHouse.gov

Cuando visita WhiteHouse.gov, los servidores web que alojan WhiteHouse.gov reciben y almacenan automáticamente la siguiente información básica:

  • La dirección de Protocolo de Internet (IP) de origen;
  • El nombre de dominio de Internet;
  • Información sobre la configuración de su computadora o dispositivo móvil (por ejemplo, tipo y versión del navegador web, sistema operativo, resolución de pantalla y velocidad de conexión);
  • Las páginas de WhiteHouse.gov que usted visita;
  • La dirección de Internet, o URL, del sitio web que lo conectó a nuestro sitio, si accedió a WhiteHouse.gov a través de un enlace en otra página (es decir, “tráfico de referencia”); y
  • La cantidad de datos transmitidos desde WhiteHouse.gov a su computadora.

La Casa Blanca también utiliza tecnologías de medición y personalización web (como las cookies). Puede optar por no aceptar cookies de ningún sitio web, incluido WhiteHouse.gov, modificando la configuración de su navegador. 

Suscripciones por correo electrónico

In order to manage White House email subscription lists, we retain the names and email addresses of our email subscribers, as well as other information they may have shared with us (e.g., addresses and phone numbers), logs of emails we send, and automatically generated email data used to improve our email communications. This automatically generated email data (generated through simple tools such as “pixel tags” and link redirects) includes:

  • The recipient’s email client;
  • Whether the email was opened;
  • If a link in the message was clicked;
  • Whether an email was delivered;
  • If the email was forwarded; and
  • If the email was printed.

If, at any time, you wish to stop receiving our messages, simply click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email message.

Third-Party Websites

The White House maintains official pages or accounts on third-party websites in order to better engage with the American public (a current list is here). Your activity on those sites is governed by the third-party website’s security and privacy policies. Users of third-party sites often share information with the general public, user community, and/or the third-party operating the site. Consequently, you should review the privacy policies of third-party sites before using them and ensure that you understand how your information may be shared and used. You should also adjust privacy settings on your account on any third-party site to match your preferences.

To comply with the Presidential Records Act, the White House may archive information that users submit or publish when engaging with the White House through official White House pages or accounts on third-party websites (e.g., by sending a message, posting a comment, “following,” “friending,” or taking similar actions). This information may contain personal information, such as an individual’s username and other public account information, when such information is available based on the user’s privacy settings and the terms of the site. 

For aggregate statistical analysis and to improve the quality of our services, we may integrate web measurement tools with our social media pages. These tools enable basic analysis of social media traffic (such as the number of people visiting a certain page) and do not collect personally identifiable information.

How Information is Used

If you choose to provide us with information, we may use that information to contact you, respond to your message, or provide you the information or services you requested. In order to serve you better, we may analyze multiple sources of data you have provided (for example, to look up whether you previously contacted the White House about the same topic so that we do not send you a duplicative response). We may also use messages or comments collected through WhiteHouse.gov or official social media pages for our own purposes, such as to inform policy decisions or in public advocacy.

We may use data you provide and automatically generated data for statistical analysis to assess, for example, what information is of interest to users, technical design specifications, and system performance. This allows us to make general improvements to our site as well as to offer tailored content to email subscribers (e.g., a follow-up message to subscribers interested in a specific topic based on information they have provided or automatically generated data). We may also use your information in order to detect, prevent, and respond to security issues and other harmful or unlawful activities on the Site. For resume information submitted, your information may be used for employment consideration.

Sharing of this Information

Information you choose to share with the White House (directly and via third party sites) may be treated as public information. We may, for example, publish compilations of messages or comments collected through WhiteHouse.gov or official social media pages and provide them to national leaders, members of the press, or other individuals outside of the Federal Government. However, we exercise discretion to limit such disclosures to protect your privacy (for example, we generally do not publish last names of commenters).

The White House uses a third-party analytics provider (currently Google Analytics) to analyze data from cookies. The third-party analytics provider does not receive personally identifiable information through these cookies. We have also limited the provider’s ability to see your full IP address (a process known as “IP masking”). Please review Google Analytics’ privacy policy for additional information.

Within the White House, we restrict access to personally identifiable information to employees, contractors, and vendors subject to non-disclosure requirements who require access to this information in order to perform their official duties and exercise controls to limit what data they can view based on the specific needs of their position.

In some cases, we may share information you have provided or automatically generated information with other government agencies in response to lawful law enforcement requests or to protect WhiteHouse.gov from security threats. Additionally, if you seek assistance on a matter within the jurisdiction of a federal agency, we may share your information with that agency for the limited purpose of addressing your request for assistance.

We do not use or share your information for commercial purposes and, except as described above, we do not exchange or otherwise disclose this information.

Data Retention

Under the Presidential Records Act (PRA), we are generally required to retain information until the end of the current Administration, at which time it will be transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA may eventually release this material to the public, but will withhold any information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if released. Access to this information may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) five years after the end of the current Administration.

NARA or the White House may choose to dispose of information lacking in historical value through procedures under the PRA. 

Third-Party Tools and Sites

Links to External Sites

WhiteHouse.gov and other White House platforms and pages may link to websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations and individuals. When you follow a link to an external site, you are leaving WhiteHouse.gov and are subject to the external site’s privacy and security policies. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on an external site. We also do not endorse the site’s sponsor, any views they express, or any products or services they offer.

White House Pages on Third-Party Websites

Your activity on third-party website sites is governed by the third-party website’s security and privacy policies. 

White House Content Embedded in Third-Party Sites

In some instances, a third-party website may feature embedded White House content served by WhiteHouse.gov. The embedded WhiteHouse.gov content automatically generates White House server logs (see Visits to WhiteHouse.gov) and may set a White House cookie.

Children and Privacy on WhiteHouse.gov

We believe in the importance of protecting the privacy of children online. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) governs information gathered online from or about children under the age of 13. Verifiable consent from a child’s parent or guardian is required before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from a child under age 13. Our site is not intended to solicit information of any kind from children under age 13. If you believe that we have received information from or about children under age 13, please contact us.


We take reasonable precautions to protect our site and information automatically collected by WhiteHouse.gov or voluntarily submitted to WhiteHouse.gov or an official White House page on a third-party site. For example, we restrict access to personally identifiable information to employees, contractors, and vendors subject to non-disclosure requirements who require access to this information in order to perform their official duties and exercise controls to limit what data they can view based on the specific needs of their position. Access to official White House accounts on third-party sites is limited to the individuals who administer those accounts, and all official White House accounts are clearly labeled.

We also utilize commonly used practices and technical controls to protect the information in our possession or control, along with WhiteHouse.gov itself. These practices and controls include, but are not limited to: encrypting the transfer of personal information over the internet via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), using high-strength firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to safeguard personal information, and maintaining strict technical controls and procedures to ensure the integrity of all data on WhiteHouse.gov.

We periodically review our processes and systems to verify compliance with industry best practices and to ensure the highest level of security for our website.

Updates to This Privacy Policy

We will revise or update this policy from time to time. If we make significant changes to how we handle personal information, we will post changes to the policy on our site and change the date at the bottom. We will provide additional notice in advance (e.g., a disclaimer on our website or an email to subscribers) if material changes are being made.

Updated: January 20, 2025


Internet Protocol (IP): A computer’s IP address establishes its location on the internet and allows other computers, such as those hosting WhiteHouse.gov, to send it content and other information.

Domain name: For example, “xcompany.com” if you use a private Internet access account, or “yourschool.edu” if you are connecting from a university’s domain.

Cookies: A small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser while the user is browsing that website.

Device token: A unique string used to identify devices.

Email client: The email client is the program used to access and manage a user’s email (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo!).

WhiteHouse.gov Cookies

WhiteHouse.gov uses the following cookies (defined and organized per the Office of Management and Budget’s “Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies” (OMB M-10-22):

Single-session cookies are used for technical purposes, such as enabling better navigation through the site, facilitating the use of user accounts, and generating aggregated statistics about how the website is used. Single-session cookies may use a unique identifier, but do not publicly expose personal information.

Under the framework of OMB M-10-22, this qualifies as a Tier 1 use.

Multi-session or persistent cookies are used to recognize a computer that has previously visited WhiteHouse.gov, which can improve a user’s experience, for example, by continuing preference settings from previous visits.

Under the framework of OMB M-10-22, this qualifies as a Tier 2 use.

WhiteHouse.gov currently uses the following cookies:

  • WhiteHouse.gov currently uses single session and multi-session cookies to ensure that WhiteHouse.gov displays correctly and measure website metrics, such as which pages are popular and how often people visit the website.

These cookies do not capture personally identifiable information, such as your name or email, or track interactions outside of WhiteHouse.gov and other White House sites/pages.

This list does not include cookies associated with third-party content or functionality included on WhiteHouse.gov (see Third-Party Cookies).

The White House uses a third-party analytics provider (currently Google Analytics) to analyze the data collected through the cookies with a name beginning _utm. The third-party analytics provider does not receive personally identifiable information through these cookies and does not combine, match, or cross-reference WhiteHouse.gov information with any other information. We have also limited the provider’s ability to see your full IP address (a process known as “IP masking”). Please review Google Analytics’s privacy policy for additional information.

Cookies for Email Subscribers

In order to improve email subscribers’ experience and the overall quality of our services, we may use cookies to measure the effectiveness of our email communications and to better tailor email content. Specifically, we may connect the data showing that an email subscriber clicked a link in an email to a subsequent action taken by that individual on the White House website, such as completing a webform.

Because this links cookie data with an individual user, this would qualify as a Tier 3 use under the framework of OMB M-10-22. We would therefore only connect cookie data to individual users who have consented and opted in to receiving emails. 

For data captured in this manner, we would restrict access to individual-level information to employees, contractors, and vendors subject to non-disclosure requirements who require access to this information in order to perform their official duties and exercise controls to limit what data they can view based on the specific needs of their position.

Third-Party Cookies

Algunas páginas de WhiteHouse.gov pueden incluir contenido web o funcionalidad de terceros, como videos integrados alojados por servicios que no son de WhiteHouse.gov.  

Estos terceros pueden utilizar tecnologías de medición y personalización web (como cookies) para proporcionar este contenido o funcionalidad. Para obtener más información, consulte las políticas de privacidad de estos terceros. No utilizamos deliberadamente herramientas de terceros que instalen una cookie multisesión antes de que el usuario interactúe con ellas, por ejemplo, al reproducir un vídeo incrustado. Si detecta alguna herramienta de terceros en WhiteHouse.gov que instale una cookie multisesión antes de cualquier interacción del usuario, póngase en contacto con nosotros en WhiteHouse.gov/Contact/

Cómo administrar las cookies

Los visitantes pueden controlar aspectos de las tecnologías de medición y personalización del sitio web utilizadas en WhiteHouse.gov y aún así tener acceso a información y servicios comparables en WhiteHouse.gov.

Puede optar por no aceptar cookies de ningún sitio web, incluido WhiteHouse.gov, modificando la configuración de su navegador. También puede eliminar las cookies almacenadas en su navegador en cualquier momento.

Para obtener más información sobre las cookies, incluido cómo eliminarlas de su computadora y configurar su navegador para rechazarlas de WhiteHouse.gov o cualquier otro sitio, visite el siguiente recurso o consulte la configuración de su navegador individual para obtener información adicional sobre cómo deshabilitar las cookies:

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