Imposición de obligaciones para abordar la situación en nuestra frontera sur

          Por la autoridad que me confieren como Presidente la Constitución y las leyes de los Estados Unidos de América, incluida la Ley de Poderes Económicos de Emergencia Internacional (50 USC 1701 y siguientes ) (IEEPA), la Ley de Emergencias Nacionales (50 USC 1601 y siguientes ) (NEA), la sección 604 de la Ley de Comercio de 1974, en su forma enmendada (19 USC 2483), y la sección 301 del título 3 del Código de los Estados Unidos,

          Yo, DONALD J. TRUMP, Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, considero que el flujo constante de inmigrantes ilegales y opioides y otras drogas ilícitas tiene profundas consecuencias para nuestra nación, ya que pone en peligro vidas y ejerce una presión severa sobre nuestro sistema de atención médica, servicios públicos, comunidades y escuelas. Desde el final de mi primer mandato, la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP) de los Estados Unidos, dentro del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, ha registrado más del triple de encuentros inadmisibles en todo el país que durante mi primer mandato.

     Estos desafíos amenazan el tejido de nuestra sociedad. Miembros de pandillas, contrabandistas, traficantes de personas y drogas ilícitas de todo tipo han cruzado nuestras fronteras y se han adentrado en nuestras comunidades. México ha desempeñado un papel central en estos desafíos, incluso al no dedicar suficiente atención y recursos para detener de manera significativa la marea de migración ilegal y drogas ilícitas.

     Las organizaciones de tráfico de drogas mexicanas (DTO) son los principales traficantes de fentanilo, metanfetamina, cocaína y otras drogas ilícitas del mundo, y cultivan, procesan y distribuyen cantidades masivas de narcóticos que alimentan la adicción y la violencia en comunidades de todo Estados Unidos. Estas DTO colaboran y conspiran con cárteles transnacionales y otros socios globales para contrabandear drogas a Estados Unidos, utilizando pistas de aterrizaje clandestinas, rutas marítimas, túneles y corredores terrestres, y correos humanos voluntarios e involuntarios.  

     Los cárteles mexicanos tienen una alianza intolerable con el gobierno de México. Esta alianza pone en peligro la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos, y debemos erradicar la influencia de estos peligrosos cárteles del entorno bilateral. El gobierno de México ha proporcionado refugios seguros a los cárteles para que se dediquen a la fabricación y el transporte de drogas ilícitas, que en conjunto han provocado la muerte por sobredosis de cientos de miles de víctimas estadounidenses.

     Mexican cartels are also implicated in human trafficking and smuggling operations, enabling the illegal migration of millions across our borders.  These operations are often tied to organized crime, and they create pathways for cartel activities to expand into the United States.  Furthermore, violent criminals originating from Central and South America easily transit into and through Mexico, and into the United States, where they cause irreparable harm to our citizens.  These dangerous criminals are involved in drug-related violence, gang activity, and other crimes that endanger the safety of American communities.
     Immediate action is required to address the national emergency I declared in Proclamation 10886 of January 20, 2025 (Declaring a National Emergency at the Southern Border of the United States), and to finally end the public health crisis caused by opioid use and addiction, which will not happen unless the compliance and cooperation of the government of Mexico is assured.

     I hereby determine and order:
     Section 1.  (a)  As President of the United States, my highest duty is the defense of the country and its citizens.  A Nation without borders is not a Nation at all.  I will not stand by and allow our sovereignty to be eroded, our laws to be trampled, our citizens to be endangered, or our borders to be disrespected anymore.

     I previously declared a national emergency with respect to the grave threat to the United States posed by the influx of illegal aliens and illicit drugs into the United States in Proclamation 10886.  Pursuant to the NEA, I hereby expand the scope of the national emergency declared in that proclamation to cover the failure of Mexico to arrest, seize, detain, or otherwise intercept DTOs, other drug and human traffickers, criminals at large, and illicit drugs.  In addition, this failure to act on the part of the government of Mexico constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.  I hereby declare and reiterate a national emergency under the NEA and IEEPA to deal with that threat.  This national emergency requires decisive and immediate action, and I have decided to impose, consistent with law, ad valorem tariffs on articles that are products of Mexico as set forth in this order.  In doing so, I invoke my authority under section 1702(a)(1)(B) of IEEPA, and specifically find that action under other authority to impose tariffs is inadequate to address this unusual and extraordinary threat.

     Sec. 2.  (a)  All articles that are products of Mexico, as defined by the Federal Register notice described in section 2(d) of this order (the Federal Register notice), shall be, consistent with law, subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty.  Such rate of duty shall apply with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern time on February 4, 2025, except that goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, after such time that were loaded onto a vessel at the port of loading or in transit on the final mode of transport prior to entry into the United States before 12:01 a.m. eastern time on February 1, 2025, shall not be subject to such additional duty, only if the importer certifies to CBP as specified in the Federal Register notice. 
     (b)  The rates of duty established by this order are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, or charges applicable to such imported articles. 
     (c)  Should the government of Mexico retaliate against the United States in response to this action through import duties on United States exports to Mexico or similar measures, the President may increase or expand in scope the duties imposed under this Executive Order to ensure the efficacy of this action. 
     (d)  In order to establish the duty rate on imports of articles that are products of Mexico, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall determine the modifications necessary to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) in order to effectuate this order consistent with law and shall make such modifications to the HTSUS through notice in the Federal Register.  The modifications made to the HTSUS by this notice shall be effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern time on February 4, 2025, except as otherwise noted in subsection 2(a) of this section, and shall continue in effect until such actions are expressly reduced, modified, or terminated.
     (e)  Articles that are products of Mexico, except those that are eligible for admission under “domestic status” as defined in 19 CFR 146.43, which are subject to the duties imposed by this order and are admitted into a United States foreign trade zone on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern time on February 4, 2025, except as otherwise noted in subsection 2(a) of this section, must be admitted as “privileged foreign status” as defined in 19 CFR 146.41.  Such articles will be subject upon entry for consumption to the rates of duty related to the classification under the applicable HTSUS subheading in effect at the time of admittance into the United States foreign trade zone
     (f)  No drawback shall be available with respect to the duties imposed pursuant to this order.
     (g)  For avoidance of doubt, duty-free de minimis treatment under 19 U.S.C. 1321 shall not be available for the articles described in subsection (a) of this section.
     (h)  Any prior Presidential Proclamation, Executive Order, or other presidential directive or guidance related to trade with Mexico that is inconsistent with the direction in this order is hereby terminated, suspended, or modified to the extent necessary to give full effect to this order. 
     (i)  The articles described in subsection (a) of this section shall exclude those encompassed by 50 U.S.C. 1702(b).

     Sec. 3.  (a)  The Secretary of Homeland Security shall regularly consult with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security on the situation at our southern border.  The Secretary of Homeland Security shall inform the President of any circumstances that, in the opinion of the Secretary of Homeland Security, indicate that the government of Mexico has taken adequate steps to alleviate the illegal migration and illicit drug crisis through cooperative actions.  Upon the President’s determination of sufficient action to alleviate the crisis, the tariffs described in section 2 of this order will be removed.
     (b)  The Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security shall recommend additional action, if necessary, should the government of Mexico fail to take adequate steps to alleviate the illegal migration and illicit drug crises through cooperative enforcement actions.

     Sec. 4.  The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Commerce, is hereby authorized to take such actions, including adopting rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to me by IEEPA as may be necessary to implement this order.  The Secretary of Homeland Security may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions within the Department of Homeland Security.  All agencies shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.

       Sec. 5. El Secretario de Seguridad Nacional, en coordinación con el Secretario del Tesoro, el Procurador General, el Secretario de Comercio, el Asistente del Presidente para Asuntos de Seguridad Nacional y el Asistente del Presidente para Seguridad Nacional, queda autorizado por la presente a presentar informes recurrentes y finales al Congreso sobre la emergencia nacional bajo la IEEPA declarada en esta orden, de conformidad con la sección 401(c) de la NEA (50 USC 1641(c)) y la sección 204(c) de la IEEPA (50 USC 1703(c)).

     Sec. 6. Disposiciones generales. (a) Nada en esta orden se interpretará como que perjudica o afecta de otra manera:
     (i) la autoridad otorgada por ley a un departamento ejecutivo, agencia o al jefe de este; o
     (ii) las funciones del Director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto relacionadas con propuestas presupuestarias, administrativas o legislativas.
     (b) Esta orden se implementará de conformidad con la ley aplicable y sujeta a la disponibilidad de asignaciones.
     (c) Esta orden no tiene por objeto crear, y no crea, ningún derecho o beneficio, sustantivo o procesal, exigible por ley o en equidad por ninguna de las partes contra los Estados Unidos, sus departamentos, agencias o entidades, sus funcionarios, empleados o agentes, o cualquier otra persona.

    1 de febrero de 2025.

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