En virtud de la autoridad que me confieren como Presidente la Constitución y las leyes de los Estados Unidos de América, por la presente se ordena:

     Sección 1. Propósito .   La política de mi Administración es concentrar los limitados recursos de ejecución de la rama ejecutiva en las normas autorizadas directamente por los estatutos federales constitucionales y comenzar la deconstrucción del estado administrativo autoritario y oneroso. Poner fin a la extralimitación federal y restablecer la separación constitucional de poderes es una prioridad de mi Administración.  

     Sec. 2.  Rescinding Unlawful Regulations and Regulations That Undermine the National Interest.  (a)  Agency heads shall, in coordination with their DOGE Team Leads and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, initiate a process to review all regulations subject to their sole or joint jurisdiction for consistency with law and Administration policy.  Within 60 days of the date of this order, agency heads shall, in consultation with the Attorney General as appropriate, identify the following classes of regulations:
(i)    unconstitutional regulations and regulations that raise serious constitutional difficulties, such as exceeding the scope of the power vested in the Federal Government by the Constitution;
(ii)   regulations that are based on unlawful delegations of legislative power;
(iii)  regulations that are based on anything other than the best reading of the underlying statutory authority or prohibition;
(iv)   regulations that implicate matters of social, political, or economic significance that are not authorized by clear statutory authority;
(v)    regulations that impose significant costs upon private parties that are not outweighed by public benefits;
(vi)   regulations that harm the national interest by significantly and unjustifiably impeding technological innovation, infrastructure development, disaster response, inflation reduction, research and development, economic development, energy production, land use, and foreign policy objectives; and
(vii)  regulations that impose undue burdens on small business and impede private enterprise and entrepreneurship.
(b)  In conducting the review required by subsection (a) of this section, agencies shall prioritize review of those rules that satisfy the definition of “significant regulatory action” in Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), as amended.
(c)  Within 60 days of the date of this order, agency heads shall provide to the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the Office of Management and Budget a list of all regulations identified by class as listed in subsection (a) of this section.
(d)  The Administrator of OIRA shall consult with agency heads to develop a Unified Regulatory Agenda that seeks to rescind or modify these regulations, as appropriate.

     Sec. 3.  Enforcement Discretion to Ensure Lawful Governance.  (a)  Subject to their paramount obligation to discharge their legal obligations, protect public safety, and advance the national interest, agencies shall preserve their limited enforcement resources by generally de-prioritizing actions to enforce regulations that are based on anything other than the best reading of a statute and de-prioritizing actions to enforce regulations that go beyond the powers vested in the Federal Government by the Constitution.
(b)  Agency heads shall determine whether ongoing enforcement of any regulations identified in their regulatory review is compliant with law and Administration policy.  To preserve resources and ensure lawful enforcement, agency heads, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, shall, on a case-by-case basis and as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, then direct the termination of all such enforcement proceedings that do not comply with the Constitution, laws, or Administration policy.

     Sec. 4.  Promulgation of New Regulations.  Agencies shall continue to follow the processes set out in Executive Order 12866 for submitting regulations for review by OIRA.  Additionally, agency heads shall consult with their DOGE Team Leads and the Administrator of OIRA on potential new regulations as soon as practicable.  In evaluating potential new regulations, agency heads, DOGE Team Leads, and the Administrator of OIRA shall consider, in addition to the factors set out in Executive Order 12866, the factors set out in section 2(a) of this order.   

     Sec. 5.  Implementation.  The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall issue implementation guidance, as appropriate.

     Sec. 6.  Definitions.  (a)  “Agency” has the meaning given to it in 44 U.S.C. 3502, except it does not include the Executive Office of the President or its components.
(b)  “Agency head” shall mean the highest-ranking official of an agency, such as the Secretary, Administrator, Chairman, or Director.
(c)  “DOGE Team Lead” shall mean the leader of the DOGE Team at each agency as described in Executive Order 14158 of January 20, 2025 (Establishing and Implementing the President’s “Department of Government Efficiency”).
(d)  “Enforcement action” means all attempts, civil or criminal, by any agency to deprive a private party of life, liberty, or property, or in any way affect a private party’s rights or obligations, regardless of the label the agency has historically placed on the action.
(e) “Reglamento” tendrá el significado dado a “acción reguladora” en la sección 3(e) de la Orden Ejecutiva 12866, y también incluye cualquier “documento de orientación” según se define en la Orden Ejecutiva 13422 del 18 de enero de 2007 (Enmienda adicional a la Orden Ejecutiva 12866 sobre Planificación y Revisión Regulatoria).
(f) “Designado de alto nivel” significa un individuo designado por el Presidente, o que desempeña las funciones y deberes de un cargo que requiere el nombramiento por el Presidente, o un miembro no de carrera del Servicio Ejecutivo Superior (o sistema de agencia equivalente).

     Sec . 7. Exenciones .   Sin perjuicio de cualquier otra disposición en esta orden, nada en esta orden se aplicará a:
(a) cualquier acción relacionada con una función militar, de seguridad nacional, seguridad interna, asuntos exteriores o relacionada con la inmigración de los Estados Unidos;
(b) cualquier asunto relacionado con la gestión de los empleados por parte del poder ejecutivo; o (
c) cualquier otra cosa eximida por el Director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto . 8Divisibilidad . Si alguna disposición de esta orden, o la aplicación de alguna disposición a alguna persona o circunstancia, se considera inválida, el resto de esta orden y la aplicación de sus disposiciones a cualesquiera otras personas o circunstancias no se verán afectadas por ello.  Sec . 9 .   Disposiciones generales . (a) Nada en esta orden se interpretará de modo que perjudique o afecte de otro modo:   (i) la autoridad otorgada por ley a un departamento ejecutivo, agencia o al jefe de este; o   (ii) las funciones del Director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto relacionadas con propuestas presupuestarias, administrativas o legislativas.   (b) Esta orden se implementará de conformidad con la ley aplicable y sujeta a la disponibilidad de asignaciones.   (c) Esta orden no tiene por objeto, y no crea, ningún derecho o beneficio, sustantivo o procesal, exigible por ley o en equidad por ninguna de las partes contra los Estados Unidos, sus departamentos, agencias o entidades, sus funcionarios, empleados o agentes, o cualquier otra persona.  LA CASA BLANCA,     19 de febrero de 2025.




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