Consejo Asesor del Presidente en Materia de Ciencia y Tecnología
En virtud de la autoridad que me confieren como Presidente la Constitución y las leyes de los Estados Unidos de América, y con el fin de establecer un consejo asesor sobre ciencia y tecnología, por la presente se ordena lo siguiente:
Sección 1. Propósito. La historia de Estados Unidos es una historia de creatividad sin límites y ambición audaz, impulsada por un espíritu pionero indomable que impulsa la exploración y el descubrimiento. Este espíritu es el que iluminó el mundo con la bombilla de Edison, llevó a los hermanos Wright a los cielos y envió a Armstrong a la Luna. Hoy, una nueva frontera de descubrimiento científico se encuentra ante nosotros, definida por tecnologías transformadoras como la inteligencia artificial, la computación cuántica y la biotecnología avanzada. Los avances en estos campos tienen el potencial de reconfigurar el equilibrio global de poder, generar industrias completamente nuevas y revolucionar la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos. Mientras nuestros competidores globales compiten por explotar estas tecnologías, es un imperativo de seguridad nacional para Estados Unidos lograr y mantener un dominio tecnológico global incuestionable e indiscutido. Para asegurar nuestro futuro, debemos aprovechar todo el poder de la innovación estadounidense empoderando a los empresarios, dando rienda suelta a la creatividad del sector privado y revitalizando nuestras instituciones de investigación.
En el corazón del progreso científico se encuentra la búsqueda de la verdad, pero este principio fundamental, que ha impulsado cada gran avance de nuestra historia, está cada vez más amenazado. Hoy, en la ciencia, la medicina y la tecnología, han surgido dogmas ideológicos que elevan la identidad de grupo por encima de los logros individuales, imponen la conformidad a expensas de las ideas innovadoras e inyectan política en el corazón del método científico. Estas agendas no sólo han distorsionado la verdad, sino que han erosionado la confianza pública, socavado la integridad de la investigación, sofocado la innovación y debilitado la ventaja competitiva de Estados Unidos.
Esta orden establece el Consejo de Asesores Presidenciales sobre Ciencia y Tecnología para unir a las mentes más brillantes del mundo académico, la industria y el gobierno para guiar a nuestra nación a través de este momento crítico, trazando un camino a seguir para el liderazgo estadounidense en ciencia y tecnología.
Sec. 2. Establishment. (a) There is hereby established the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).
(b) The PCAST shall be composed of not more than 24 members. The Assistant to the President for Science and Technology (APST) and the Special Advisor for AI & Crypto shall be members of the PCAST. If also serving as the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the APST may designate the U.S. Chief Technology Officer as a member. The remaining members shall be distinguished individuals and representatives from sectors outside of the Federal Government appointed by the President. These non-Federal members shall have diverse perspectives and expertise in science, technology, education, and innovation.
(c) The APST and the Special Advisor for AI & Crypto shall serve as Co-Chairs of the PCAST. The Co-Chairs may designate up to two Vice Chairs of the PCAST from among the non-Federal members of the PCAST, to support the Co-Chairs in the leadership and organization of the PCAST.
Sec. 3. Functions. (a) The PCAST shall advise the President on matters involving science, technology, education, and innovation policy. The Council shall also provide the President with scientific and technical information that is needed to inform public policy relating to the American economy, the American worker, national and homeland security, and other topics.
(b) The PCAST shall meet regularly and shall:
(i) respond to requests from the President or the Co-Chairs for information, analysis, evaluation, or advice;
(ii) solicit information and ideas from a broad range of stakeholders, including the research community; the private sector; universities; national laboratories; State, local, and Tribal governments; foundations; and nonprofit organizations;
(iii) serve as the advisory committee identified in section 101(b) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-194), as amended (15 U.S.C. 5511(b)), in which capacity the PCAST shall be known as the President’s Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee; and
(iv) serve as the advisory panel identified in section 4 of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (Public Law 108-153), as amended (15 U.S.C. 7503), in which capacity the PCAST shall be known as the National Nanotechnology Advisory Panel.
(c) The PCAST shall provide advice from the non-Federal sector to the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in response to requests from the NSTC.
Sec. 4. Administration. (a) The heads of executive departments and agencies shall, to the extent permitted by law, provide the PCAST with information concerning scientific and technological matters when requested by the PCAST Co-Chairs and as required for the purpose of carrying out the PCAST’s functions.
(b) In consultation with the Co-Chairs, the PCAST is authorized to create standing subcommittees and ad hoc groups, including technical advisory groups, to assist the PCAST and provide preliminary information directly to the PCAST.
(c) In order to allow the PCAST to provide advice and analysis regarding classified matters, the Co-Chairs may request that members of the PCAST, its standing subcommittees, or ad hoc groups who do not hold a current clearance for access to classified information receive security clearance and access determinations pursuant to Executive Order 12968 of August 2, 1995 (Access to Classified Information), as amended, or any successor order.
(d) The Department of Energy shall provide such funding and administrative and technical support as the PCAST may require, to the extent permitted by law and as authorized by existing appropriations.
(e) Members of the PCAST shall serve without any compensation for their work on the PCAST, but may receive travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in the government service (5 U.S.C. 5701–5707).
(f) Insofar as the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), may apply to the PCAST, any functions of the President under that Act, except that of reporting to the Congress, shall be performed by the Secretary of Energy, in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established by the Administrator of General Services.
Sec. 5. Termination. The PCAST shall terminate 2 years from the date of this order unless extended by the President.
Sec. 6. Revocation. Executive Order 14007 of January 27, 2021 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology), as amended by Executive Order 14109 of September 29, 2023 (Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees and Amendments to Other Executive Orders), is hereby revoked.
Sec. 7. Disposiciones generales . (a) Nada de lo dispuesto en esta orden se interpretará como que perjudica o afecta de otro modo:
(i) la autoridad otorgada por ley a un departamento o agencia ejecutiva, o al jefe de la misma; o
(ii) las funciones del Director de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto relacionadas con propuestas presupuestarias, administrativas o legislativas.
(b) Esta orden se implementará de conformidad con la ley aplicable y sujeta a la disponibilidad de asignaciones.
(c) Esta orden no tiene por objeto, y no crea, ningún derecho o beneficio, sustantivo o procesal, exigible por ley o en equidad por ninguna de las partes contra los Estados Unidos, sus departamentos, agencias o entidades, sus funcionarios, empleados o agentes, o cualquier otra persona.
23 de enero de 2025.