El presidente Trump exige un comercio justo y recíproco

Hoy, el presidente Donald J. Trump dio a conocer un plan para un comercio justo, libre y recíproco, y dejó en claro al mundo que Estados Unidos ya no tolerará que lo estafen. Estados Unidos tiene una de las economías más abiertas del mundo, pero nuestros socios comerciales mantienen sus mercados cerrados a las exportaciones estadounidenses, y el comercio recíproco finalmente corregirá ese desequilibrio.

El plan del presidente Trump para restablecer la equidad y poner a los trabajadores estadounidenses en primer lugar fue recibido con elogios inmediatos:

Asociación de Combustibles Renovables: “Desde hace casi una década, hemos dedicado un tiempo y recursos valiosos a luchar contra un régimen arancelario injusto e injustificado impuesto por el gobierno de Brasil a las importaciones de etanol de Estados Unidos. Lo que es más irónico es que estas barreras arancelarias se han erigido contra las importaciones de etanol de Estados Unidos mientras que nuestro país ha aceptado abiertamente, e incluso alentado e incentivado, las importaciones de etanol de Brasil. Como los dos mayores productores de etanol del planeta, disfrutamos durante mucho tiempo de una relación de libre comercio cooperativa con Brasil en materia de etanol, apoyándonos mutuamente cuando había escasez o interrupciones en el mercado estadounidense o brasileño. Sin embargo, Brasil abandonó esa cooperación bilateral en 2017, cuando instituyó un esquema de cuotas arancelarias, y finalmente adoptó un arancel en 2020. El arancel brasileño sobre el etanol estadounidense ahora se sitúa en el 18 por ciento y prácticamente ha eliminado todo acceso al mercado para los productores de etanol estadounidenses. Agradecemos al presidente Trump por tomar esta medida y esperamos que este arancel recíproco ayude a fomentar el regreso a una relación comercial libre y justa de etanol con Brasil”.

Instituto Americano del Hierro y el Acero: “AISI aplaude la decisión del presidente Trump de hoy de ordenar el desarrollo de un plan integral para restablecer la equidad en las relaciones comerciales de Estados Unidos y contrarrestar los acuerdos comerciales no recíprocos. Los productores de acero estadounidenses conocen bien el impacto negativo de las prácticas comerciales desleales extranjeras, incluidos los subsidios, la manipulación de la moneda y otras políticas y prácticas injustas y discriminatorias, sobre las industrias nacionales y sus trabajadores... Esperamos trabajar con el Secretario de Comercio, el Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos y otros funcionarios clave de la administración a medida que desarrollan su plan de acción para garantizar la reciprocidad en el comercio internacional y preservar la competitividad de la industria siderúrgica estadounidense y otros sectores”.

Growth Energy: “While American biofuel producers have been almost entirely blocked off from the Brazilian market, Brazilian producers have enjoyed unfettered access to the U.S. In some cases, certain policies in the U.S. even incentivize the use of imported Brazilian ethanol instead of ethanol produced here in the U.S. This runs contrary to putting America first, and is exactly why President Trump is taking steps to address this issue. Thank you, President Trump for taking action and pushing for a level playing field for American ethanol producers.”

Small Business Administration: “President Trump is right: restoring a level playing field on trade will unlock the next blue collar boom – creating jobs and powering our economy through ‘Made in America.’ Huge news for Main Street!”

Energy Secretary Chris Wright: “President’s Trump’s ‘Fair and Reciprocal Plan’ on trade puts the American people first. As a former businessman, it’s great to see our country being run like a business and fighting for fairness on trade– it’s the American way!”

Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum: “President Trump is making America strong again. His Fair and Reciprocal Plan is commonsense: if you impose tariffs on us, we will impose tariffs on you in return.”

Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy: “Bravo, President Trump! Thank you for announcing the Fair and Reciprocal Plan, which is based on legislation we worked on together in your first term. Unfair trade practices have hurt America’s transportation and infrastructure sectors for too long. President Trump’s trade plan will strengthen supply chains, boost infrastructure investments, and expand American transportation solutions. We promised a golden age of transportation, and I will not rest until America’s transportation system is great again!”

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Scott Turner: “For too long Washington has put foreign interests above Americans — that ends today. @POTUS’ Fair and Reciprocal Plan will put American workers on a level playing field.”

EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin: “The American people elected @POTUS with a mandate to grow our economy and bring back American manufacturing. When it comes to Reciprocal tariffs, no one should ever underestimate President Trump’s vision, long game, and determination to deliver the Great American Comeback.”

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA): “For too long, foreign countries have exploited America through unfair trade practices. President Trump’s reciprocal tariffs aim to confront these countries, protecting American workers and businesses through trade that is fair again. The Trump policies are focused on leveling the playing field and putting America FIRST.”

Sen. Jim Banks (R-IN): “The globalist approach to trade threw our workers under a bus driven by their foreign competitors. President Trump’s America First trade plan corrects this injustice that our industries and workers have faced for decades. The reciprocal tariffs announced today will bring back fairness and prosperity and stop Americans from being taken advantage of.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): “President Trump is putting American workers and farmers first. He will end unfair trade deals and prioritize goods made in America! With President Trump at the negotiating table, we are going to get the best possible deal.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): “Most countries charge us far more in tariffs than we charge them. Those days are over. I applaud President Trump’s decision to impose reciprocal tariffs against our trading partners. Whatever tariffs they put on American products, we will put on their products. This will be a game changer. Simple and brilliant.”

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS): “Gone are the days of unfair trade deals that give foreign nations the upper hand. Today, President Trump put the world on notice: America will no longer be taken advantage of.”

Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE): “The average weighted tariff on foreign products coming into the U.S. is 1.5%, yet the average tariff on U.S. products globally is 6%. President Trump promised to bring those numbers closer to balance. These tariffs are a step toward accomplishing that goal.”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL): “President Trump’s fight for a level playing field and reciprocal treatment is common sense. The U.S. is done treating others better than they’re treating us. President Trump understands the art of the deal, and thanks to his strong leadership, we’re getting better deals that will help our businesses and grow our economy!”

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL): “President Trump is brokering deals that put American farmers, manufacturers, and producers first. America has some of the best and brightest manufacturers and there’s no reason we can’t produce most things right here at home.”

Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN): “The master negotiator strikes again. @POTUS is realigning the playing field with countries that have taken advantage of us for far too long and delivering on his promise to put America FIRST.”

Chairwoman Lisa McClain (R-MI): “President Trump is wasting no time leveling the playing field. I am optimistic the pressure applied by the ongoing tariff negotiations will lead to a wave of investment across the U.S. @POTUS is keeping his promise to put our economy first.”

Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO): “President Trump understands that American workers and manufacturers can outcompete those of any other nation. But for far too long they have been held back by a lack of reciprocity because other countries impose much higher tariffs and other barriers than the United States imposes on imports. President Trump’s Executive Order helps deliver a level playing field for American workers and manufacturers.”

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL): “President Trump has just announced RECIPROCAL TARIFFS for countries unfairly treating American products! If you want to sell to the USA, we must have access to your market as well. What is fair, is fair!”

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL): “We will no longer tolerate being ripped-off by the rest of the world. Under President Trump, government is putting the American people first again. And that means RECIPROCAL TARIFFS”

Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA): “Brazil imposes an 18% tariff on U.S. ethanol while we only charge Brazil 2.5%. In 2024, that imbalance resulted in our nation importing $200 million in Brazilian ethanol while Brazil only imported $52 million in U.S. ethanol. Our farmers deserve better!”

Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD): “The days of America being taken advantage of are over. The “Fair and Reciprocal Plan” will put the American worker first and bring fairness back to international trade.”

Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN): “Our nation has been at the bad end of business deals regarding trade practices with other countries for far too long. That’s coming to an end. President Trump’s reciprocal tariffs are putting the world on notice — the gravy train is over, and we won’t be taken advantage of anymore.”

Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK): “President Trump is a strong leader – he’s not allowing the world to take advantage of the United States any longer. These reciprocal tariffs will incentivize other nations to level the playing field and remove long-standing, exorbitant tariffs. America FIRST!”

Rep. Riley Moore (R-WV): “President Trump just announced plans to implement reciprocal tariffs on the foreign countries who are ripping us off. I’m proud to be leading this effort in Congress.”

El representante Greg Steube (republicano por Florida): “Agradezco al presidente Trump por defender a los trabajadores estadounidenses con su audaz plan para restablecer el equilibrio y la equidad en el mercado. Él y su administración comprenden que nuestros trabajadores merecen políticas comerciales justas y beneficiosas para todos. Durante demasiado tiempo, las comunidades obreras de los Estados Unidos han sido estafadas por competidores extranjeros que se benefician de prácticas comerciales manipuladoras. Si otros países creen que pueden seguir estafando al pueblo estadounidense y privándoles de su parte de prosperidad, están tristemente equivocados. El presidente Trump tiene el plan correcto para proteger nuestra economía, restablecer la equidad en el comercio internacional y recuperar los empleos bien remunerados en los Estados Unidos”.

La representante Beth Van Duyne (republicana de Texas): “¡Los trabajadores, agricultores y fabricantes estadounidenses finalmente tienen un presidente que lucha por ellos! Aplaudo el plan del presidente Trump para combatir las prácticas comerciales injustas. ¡Nuestros mejores días aún están por venir!”

Comité de Estudios Republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes: “La administración Trump acaba de anunciar aranceles recíprocos para países como China que estafan a Estados Unidos. Ya es hora de cambiar el guion de esto. El presidente Trump está tratando de restablecer la equidad en el comercio, asegurándose de que otros países rindan cuentas por aplicar aranceles a los productos estadounidenses. Atrás quedaron los días en que se aprovechaban de nuestra gran nación. Punto”.

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